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ELECTRONIC MFG CLUSTER - I - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 EMC - I BIT -1 PLOT 2935.0 00.73 26-JUN-23 Vacant but Unallottable Proposed to conduct for E Auction the eligible line of activities as per EMC guidelines in the SLAC meeting held on 27.10.2022
2 EMC - I PLOT NO 3A PLOT 1990.0 00.49 23-FEB-24 Vacant Reserved for SC Category
3 EMC - I Plot B/1 PLOT 6067.07 01.50 28-NOV-24 Vacant Reserved for SC Category
4 EMC - I Plot B/5 PLOT 4066.0 01.00 23-FEB-24 Vacant Reserved for SC Category
5 EMC - I Plot B/6 PLOT 4923.0 01.22 23-FEB-24 Vacant Reserved for SC Category
19981.07 04.94

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