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IP_ATCHUTAPURAM_DenotifiedArea - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 DNA 100 PLOT 62405.0 15.42 30-NOV-22 Vacant Zone - IV: Low Polluting and Low Hazardous - Engineering Sector.
2 DNA 15B10B PLOT 5944.0 01.47 23-JUN-22 Vacant Reserved for SC Category only(Zone-III : Medium Polluting & Hazardous - Formulations & Fine chemicals).
3 DNA 15B3A PLOT 11012.0 02.72 24-FEB-22 Vacant but Unallottable Re- allotted for Sc/St enterprenuers under G.O.Ms.No.7, dt.05.02.2022.
4 DNA 23 I/2 PLOT 2329.0 00.58 06-NOV-23 Vacant Resereved for SC Category only
5 DNA 24D1 PLOT 8093.85 02.00 30-AUG-24 Vacant but Unallottable Reserved under GO.Ms no7. Dated 05-02-22
6 DNA 27A38 PLOT 4776.0 01.18 24-FEB-22 Vacant Zone -V : Low Polluting and Low Hazardous - Specialty Chemical Sector.
7 DNA 28B1 PLOT 19796.0 04.89 24-FEB-22 Vacant Zone -V : Low Polluting and Low Hazardous - Specialty Chemical Sector.
8 DNA 29C PLOT 24282.0 06.00 30-AUG-24 Vacant but Unallottable Reserved under GO.Ms no7. Dated 05-02-22
9 DNA 29D PLOT 27560.0 06.81 30-AUG-24 Vacant but Unallottable Reserved under G.O.Ms.No.7, dated 05.02.2022
10 DNA 30B PLOT 21497.0 05.31 19-DEC-22 Vacant but Unallottable Re-allotted for SC/ST Enterpreneurs under GO.Ms.No.7, Dt.05.02.2022.
11 DNA 30C PLOT 16336.0 04.04 22-MAY-24 Vacant Zone -V : Low Polluting and Low Hazardous - Specialty Chemical Sector.
12 DNA 5A PLOT 25675.0 06.34 06-SEP-22 Vacant but Unallottable This plot is proposed for development of flatted factory complexes (FFCs) under MSE-CDP Scheme of Ministry of MSME, GOI
13 DNA 63A (Ware House) PLOT 30781.0 07.61 09-NOV-21 Vacant Proposed for Logistic Park
14 DNA 64A (Ware House) PLOT 14459.0 03.57 09-NOV-21 Vacant Proposed for Logistic Park
15 DNA 66 (Commercial) PLOT 62994.0 15.57 09-NOV-21 Vacant Proposed for Logistic Park.
16 DNA 67B1(Commercial) PLOT 24328.0 06.01 09-NOV-21 Vacant Proposed for Logistic Park
17 DNA 74 SI PLOT 118578.0 29.30 24-OCT-21 Vacant FOR SOCIAL INFRASTRACTURE
18 DNA 76 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 06-NOV-23 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only (Zone:II- High Polluting and Highly Hazardous - Petoleum and Petrochemical Sector)
19 DNA 77 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 06-NOV-23 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only (Zone:II- High Polluting and Highly Hazardous - Petoleum and Petrochemical Sector)
20 DNA 78 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 09-NOV-21 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only
21 DNA 79 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 09-NOV-21 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only
22 DNA 81 PLOT 914.0 00.23 06-NOV-23 Vacant Zone:II- High Polluting and Highly Hazardous - Petoleum and Petrochemical Sector.
23 DNA 83 PLOT 6475.0 01.60 06-SEP-22 Vacant but Unallottable This plot is proposed for expansion of development of flatted factory complexes (FFCs) under MSE-CDP Scheme of Ministry of MSME, GOI.
24 DNA 89 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 09-NOV-21 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only
25 DNA 8A/1 PLOT 24280.0 06.00 19-OCT-24 Vacant but Unallottable The Deed of cancellation has not been executed and the refund of land cost has not been paid to the allottee.
26 DNA 9 PLOT 80685.0 19.94 10-MAY-22 Vacant Zone - IV: Low Polluting and Low Hazardous - Engineering Sector
27 DNA 90 PLOT 1500.0 00.37 09-NOV-21 Vacant Reserved for ST Category only
28 DNA Common Facilities-3 PLOT 123151.0 30.43 24-FEB-22 Vacant Common Facilities
29 DNA West Gate Brandix PLOT 2539.0 00.63 11-FEB-22 Vacant West Gate proposed for Brandix India Apparel City Pvt Ltd
727889.85 179.87

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