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IP_GOOTY - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 IP GTY 102 PLOT 469.0 00.12 13-JUN-22 Vacant but Unallottable DGPS Survey in progress
2 IP GTY 107 PLOT 1470.0 00.36 28-OCT-21 Vacant Reserved for SC/ST
3 IP GTY 46 SHEDS 1000.0 00.25 13-JUN-22 Vacant but Unallottable Cancelled and resumed.Requested HO to accord permission to place in vacancy.
4 IP GTY 52 PLOT 420.0 00.10 13-JUN-22 Vacant but Unallottable DGPS Survey in progress
5 IP GTY 56 PLOT 470.0 00.12 13-JUN-22 Vacant but Unallottable DGPS Survey in progress
6 IP GTY 76 PLOT 1250.0 00.31 06-SEP-18 Vacant but Unallottable Cancelled & resumed on 31.07.2013 But "Deed of cancellation" yet to be made.
5079.0 01.26

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