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IP_PEDDAPURAM(LAYOUT) Ph.I - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 IP,PDPPH.I 4-A14 PLOT 663.0 00.16 08-JUL-15 Vacant Reserved for ST category only
2 IP,PDPPH.I 4-A19 PLOT 963.0 00.24 17-MAY-22 Vacant Reserved for ST Category
3 IP,PDPPH.I CF2 HOUSES 16821.0 04.16 04-JUN-22 Vacant As per HO instructions Dt:01.04.2021. For common facilities purpose as per APIIC regulations
4 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT67 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. Report Dt.19.03.21 submitted requesting orders to upload in vacancy as allottee returned the refund cheque.
5 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT68 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
6 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT69 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
7 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT70 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
8 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT79 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
9 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT80 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
10 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT81 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Non-Implementation, allotment was cancelled & resumed. Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. WP 44234/2018 filed by allottee is pending.
11 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT82 PLOT 875.0 00.22 22-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Unilateral Cancellation Deed executed. Report Dt.19.03.21 submitted requesting orders to upload in vacancy as allottee returned the refund cheque.
12 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT91 PLOT 2526.55 00.62 06-DEC-24 Vacant General
13 IP,PDPPH.I PLOT91/A PLOT 8587.0 02.12 21-JUL-23 Vacant Proposal sent to Govt. for conducting e-auction.
36560.55 09.03

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