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IP_VALASAPALLI - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 IP_VLSPL CFC PLOT 5228.0 01.29 25-JAN-24 Vacant
2 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.17 PLOT 1095.0 00.27 03-NOV-23 Vacant but Unallottable Proposed for Revenue Augmentation
3 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.172 PLOT 255.0 00.06 27-JAN-23 Vacant but Unallottable Proposed for Revenue Augmentation
4 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.21 PLOT 742.0 00.18 23-MAR-22 Vacant but Unallottable M/s. R & R ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES - Cancelled and resumed - SC Women will be examined under G.O.MS.No.7.
5 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.26 PLOT 1095.0 00.27 03-NOV-23 Vacant but Unallottable Proposed for Revenue Augmentation
6 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.55 PLOT 1890.0 00.47 23-MAR-22 Vacant but Unallottable M/s. NOOR CHEMICAL TECH - Cancelled - Unit Working - Resoration and delay condonation proposals will be submitted to HO.
7 IP_VLSPL PLOT NO.85 PLOT 3525.0 00.87 27-JAN-23 Vacant but Unallottable Proposed for Revenue Augmentation
13830.0 03.42

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