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IT - NONSEZ - HILL2 - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 ITNSEZH2 CFC 1 PLOT 2185.0 00.54 21-OCT-21 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Court case of WP No. 18934 of 2016
2 ITNSEZH2 LEFT OVER BIT PLOT 1909.0 00.47 18-OCT-24 Vacant Left Over Bit adjacent to Plot No. A with no approach road.
3 ITNSEZH2 PLOT NO-C1A PLOT 1816.66 00.45 19-MAR-24 Vacant but Unallottable
4 ITNSEZH2 PLOT NO-G1 PLOT 2230.0 00.55 06-AUG-19 Vacant
8140.66 02.01

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