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Kothapalli Koru Gunta UDL - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 IP Kothapalli Koru Gunta CFC Area-2 PLOT 7326.0 01.81 09-MAR-22 Vacant
2 IP Kothapalli Koru Gunta UDL Block-1A PLOT 37921.0 09.37 31-MAR-18 Vacant but Unallottable Due to Court Case vide WP No.32139/2017,Hence this area kept under unallotable category
3 IP Kothapalli Koru Gunta UDL Block-4 PLOT 55363.0 13.68 16-DEC-23 Vacant but Unallottable
4 IP Kothapalli Koru Gunta UDL Block-5/1 PLOT 5950.0 01.47 29-MAR-22 Vacant Revision of land rate is under process
106560.0 26.33

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