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MSME_GURRAMPALEM - Details of Vacant Industrial Properties
Sl.No IP Name Plot/Shed No. Structure Type Area(Sq.M) Area(Acrs) Updation Date Status Remarks
1 MSME_GURRAMPALEM 125 PLOT 300.0 00.07 03-APR-24 Vacant
2 MSME_GURRAMPALEM 178 PLOT 486.0 00.12 19-MAY-23 Vacant but Unallottable Recommended for e-auction among applicants as per minutes of SLAC meeting held on 11.05.2023.
3 MSME_GURRAMPALEM 179 PLOT 483.0 00.12 19-MAY-23 Vacant but Unallottable Recommended for e-auction among applicants as per minutes of SLAC meeting held on 11.05.2023.
4 MSME_GURRAMPALEM Amenities - 1 PLOT 4047.0 01.00 09-SEP-22 Vacant for Commercial activities only
5316.0 01.31

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